Reduce Vehicle-Animal Collisions with Installation of Small Animal Exclusion Fencing Status: CompleteReport Date: 07/28/2022 Summary: Motorists suddenly stopping or swerving to avoid small animals crossing the road create significant hazards. Pedestrians trying to assist the animals across the road risk serious injury, as do motorcyclists and bicyclists if they hit an animal. Turtles are the world’s most imperiled group of vertebrates, and roads are a primary threat. A multiyear research project has found an effective solution for these public safety and conservation concerns. Researchers conducted an in-depth study observing the impact of a chain-link fence design in keeping turtles off the roads. After retrofitting the design with 0.5-inch wire mesh, they found turtle mortality decreased up to 91%. The fence design uses readily available and cost-effective materials. Combined with under-the-road culverts for habitat connectivity, MnDOT will now have standard designs to use in projects. In addition to the cost savings from avoiding extra engineering or design work, public safety and conservation are enhanced. Final Deliverables: Reduce Vehicle-Animal Collisions with Installation of Small Animal Exclusion Fencing (Report #2022-19) Improving Road Safety and Wildlife Conservation With Barrier Fencing (Research Summary) Related Materials: Improving Road Safety and Wildlife Conservation With Barrier Fencing (Blog Post) Minnesota Zoo, MnDOT Partner To Address Dwindling Blanding’s Turtle Population (News/Publication Article) Turtle Deaths on MN Highways are Declining Thanks to New Fences (News/Publication Article) Scandia leaders question chain-link fence to protect turtles. Was better-looking option available? (News/Publication Article) Collaboration with Minnesota Zoo Aims to Conserve Wildlife (Blog Post) Related Research: Emerging Issues Project Proposal: Reducing Turtle Mortality through Exclusionary Fencing on MnDOT Right of Wa