Expanding the Adoption on Private Lands: Blowing and Drifting Snow Control Treatments and the Cost Effectiveness of Permanent versus Non-Permanent Treatment Options Status: CompleteReport Date: 11/06/2017 Summary: Investigators worked with MnDOT district staff to develop a training program about the agency's snow fence program, benefits of the program and methods to promote snow fence use among private landowners. Research findings from successful blowing snow control programs throughout the country were also considered in the guidance. Surveys before and after the training showed the initial training was effective, but also offered insight that investigators used to refine and improve the snow removal program training effort. Final Deliverables: Report #2017-42 Research Summary Related Materials: Pilot Program Promotes Benefits of Snow Fences - (Blog Post) Related Research: Expanding Landowner Adoption of Snow Control Measures through a Better Understanding of Landowner Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Promoting the Adoption of Snow Fences through Landowner Engagement Expanding landowner adoption of snow control measures to improve public safety and achieve cost savings through a better understanding of landowner knowledge, attitudes and practices Promoting the adoption of snow fences through landowner engagement