Unbound Recycled Materials Database for MnPAVE-Flexible Status: CompleteReport Date: 05/24/2021 Summary: This report documents the development of an electronic dataset describing field and laboratory performance of unbound bases from 106 road sections containing recycled materials in Minnesota. This dataset provides a compact view of backcalculated layer properties (from falling-weight deflection data) per road section. This view includes summary statistics on backcalculated layer properties, estimates of possible errant data in raw deflection basins, associated laboratory resilient modulus (MR) values, and other brief but insightful measures that allow MnDOT research engineers to consider which road sections to include and exclude in determining a basis for MnPAVE Flexible material inputs. Final Deliverables: Unbound Recycled Materials Database for MnPAVE-Flexible (Report #2021-11) Related Materials: Related Research: