TRS: Traffic Forecasting on Trunk Highways in Nonmetropolitan Areas: A Survey of State Practice Status: CompleteReport Date: 10/15/2012 Summary: Traffic forecasting plays an important role for MnDOT in corridor planning, geometric design, pavement design, safety analysis, benefit/cost analysis, access management, and environmental analysis and mitigation. In previous decades, Minnesota has seen steady growth in vehicle miles traveled. However, in recent years VMT growth in Minnesota has been flat and declined by 0.5 percent from 2009 to 2010. MnDOT is interested in learning how other states are dealing with what appears to be a nationwide trend in a leveling off or decline in VMT, and what forecasting methods are used by state DOTs to project traffic volumes in nonmetropolitan areas with a population under 50,000. Final Deliverables: TRS: Traffic Forecasting on Trunk Highways in Nonmetropolitan Areas: A Survey of State Practice (Synthesis #TRS1206) Related Materials: TRS 1206 slide presentation (Other) Related Research: