A Mobile App to Report Driver Intrusions Into Work Zones Status: CompleteReport Date: 01/22/2024 Summary: Drivers who don’t comply with traffic control directions in work zones can create safety risks that threaten transportation workers and the drivers themselves. Knowing what incidents—or intrusions—have occurred in work zones would enable MnDOT to develop and implement appropriate strategies to prevent harm and improve worker safety. A new smartphone app will enable workers to provide timely and accurate reporting about incidents from the field. By working iteratively with MnDOT maintenance workers and supervisors in developing the tool, investigators created a user-friendly app that collects data to identify common types of incidents and consequences, the type and layout of work zones in which incidents occur, and safety equipment or procedures used. Investigators also developed a communications plan, outreach materials and training to educate users and a framework for data analysis reports. Lastly, a sample report provides examples of how data on work zone incidents can be presented. Final Deliverables: Work Zone Intrusion Mobile Application (Report #2023-04) A Mobile App to Report Driver Intrusions Into Work Zones (Research Summary) Related Materials: Tracking and analyzing dangerous work-zone intrusions? Now, there’s an app for that. (News/Publication Article) Making Reporting Easy: New Work Zone Intrusion Reporting App (Brochure/Handout) Announcement: MnDOT's Work Zone Intrusion Reporting App (Brochure/Handout) Related Research: DSRC Based Warning System for Workers Safety Investigate the effectiveness of using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Technology to Trigger In-Vehicle Messages at work zones Work Zone Intrusion Report Interface Design Personal Warning Sensor for Road Construction Workers