TRS: Future Impact on Minnesota Transportation Revenue Collection of Commercial Fleet Conversion from Diesel Fuel to Natural Gas Status: CompleteReport Date: 02/28/2015 Summary: Natural gas has the potential to be increasingly used as a motor vehicle fuel, particularly for trucks, in the future. Since the fuel tax makes up nearly half of Minnesota's Highway User Tax Distribution Fund, MnDOT is concerned about the potential impact of natural gas on future fuel tax receipts. This TRS includes a review of literature and current policies, as well as interviews with practitioners in nearby states and in the natural gas industry, to evaluate the likely impact of natural gas conversion. The report concludes that the near-term impact of natural gas conversion on Minnesota fuel tax receipts is likely to be relatively small, in part because the state currently taxes both liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas at nearly the same rates as gasoline or diesel fuel on an energy equivalent basis. Final Deliverables: TRS: Future Impact on Minnesota Transportation Revenue Collection of Commercial Fleet Conversion from Diesel Fuel to Natural Gas (Synthesis #TRS1505) Related Materials: Related Research: