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Towards Implementation of Max-Pressure Control on Minnesota Roads: Phase 2

Status:  Complete
Report Date:  11/13/2024


Traffic signals play a significant role in improving travel times and reducing traffic congestion. One novel adaptive traffic signal control technology advances from typical actuated traffic signal timing operations toward a system that responds to dynamic traffic conditions in real time. Recent research made significant progress toward testing this innovative traffic signal control technology in the field. Max-pressure traffic signal control is a machine learning algorithm that controls traffic signal timing changes based on the number of vehicles approaching or waiting at an intersection. In this phase of an ongoing research project, investigators demonstrated the max-pressure system is compatible with actual Hennepin County traffic signal control hardware. Simulations of the max-pressure signal controller using the geometry and traffic data of a real county intersection showed the traffic signal responded to real-time traffic volumes, maximized the vehicles allowed through a green light and minimized driver delay. Next, the research team aims to test the max-pressure traffic signal control system in the field to validate its safety, functionality and operation at intersections.

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