NRRA: Development of Mix Designs and Matrix of Materials for MnROAD Low Carbon Concrete Test Site Status: CompleteReport Date: 04/23/2024 Summary: To address climate change mitigation goals, alternative concrete paving mixtures are being investigated that are claimed to have a lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) at time of construction with equal or better long-term performance compared to conventional concrete paving mixtures currently in use by Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). The objective of this study was to develop a final matrix of test sections and construction QA plan for the construction of a MnROAD experimental section consisting of 16 test cells to assess the environmental impact and constructability of various concrete paving mixtures designed to reduce environmental impact with the opportunity to assess in-service performance over a three-year period following test cell construction. This report documents the concrete mixtures being evaluated, the list of tests to be performed on the plant-produced concrete, construction observations, and a preliminary assessment of environmental impact. Follow-up studies are ongoing that will document the lab testing results and provide yearly performance updates on the test cells, these reports will be made available by MnDOT. Final Deliverables: Report #NRRA202401 Related Materials: Related Research: Alternative Cementitious Materials – Geopolymer Concrete Use of Alternative Pozzolanic Materials Towards Reducing Cement Content in Concrete Pavements Use of Carbon Dioxide for Sustainable and Resilient Concrete Pavements