Development of a Tracking-based Monitoring and Data Collection System Status: CompleteReport Date: 10/10/2005 Summary: This report outlines a series of vision-based algorithms for data collection at traffic intersections. We have purposed an algorithm for obtaining sound spatial resolution, minimizing occlusions through an optimization-based camera-placement algorithm. A camera calibration algorithm, along with the camera calibration guided user interface tool, is introduced. Finally, a computationally simple data collection system using a multiple cue-based tracker is also presented. Extensive experimental analysis of the system was performed using three different traffic intersections. This report also presents solutions to the problem of reliable target detection and tracking in unconstrained outdoor environments as they pertain to vision-based data collection at traffic intersections. Final Deliverables: Development of a Tracking-based Monitoring and Data Collection System (Report #2005-40) Related Materials: Related Research: