Guidance for Separated/Buffered Bike Lanes With Delineators Status: CompleteReport Date: 07/13/2021 Summary: Cities across the country are installing separated bike lanes (SBLs) to encourage bicycling as a means of transportation, but current SBL design guidance is incomplete. Researchers collected all existing SBL guidance to determine the gaps in knowledge. They interviewed planners and designers to learn about their challenges. Then they surveyed hundreds of Minnesota bicyclists about their bike lane preferences, including aspects of winter riding. SBL design guidance is evolving. This project gathered an enormous amount of data, practitioner perspectives and user information to fill in the gaps of SBL design knowledge. It is a step toward making safe urban bike networks more common. Final Deliverables: Guidance for Separated/Buffered Bike Lanes with Delineators (Report #2021-12) Separated Bike Lanes: Filling the Gaps in Design Guidance (Research Summary) Related Materials: Related Research: