Traffic Data Collection Processes Study and Traffic Data Collection Improvements Status: CompleteReport Date: 02/06/2014 Summary: 2014RIC51A--The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) collects traffic volume counts for cities and counties outside of the Twin Cities metro area. This research implementation project considered options for cities and counties to gather traffic data themselves. Researchers shadowed three data collection processes: MnDOT collecting the data (current process), the respective county collecting the data with equipment and training provided by MnDOT and a consultant collecting the data. 2014RIC51B--The Local Road Research Board (LRRB), with assistance from Sibley County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), conducted a field evaluation of traffic data collection sensors. This study was initiated to explore low-cost and non-intrusive options to collect traffic data as possible alternatives to traditional methods such as tube counts, which require personnel to work close to or on the roadway rather than from a safer roadside position. This project reviewed new developments and alternatives to conventional road tube, inductive loop and piezo sensor data collection. Final Deliverables: Traffic Data Collection Processes Study (Report #2014RIC51A) Traffic Data Collection Improvements (Report #2014RIC51B) Evaluating Traffic Data Collection Processes and Technologies (Research Summary) Related Materials: Related Research: