Snowplow Driver Assist System Implementation Plan Status: ActiveProject Start Date: 12/29/2022Subscribe for Updates Summary: The University of Minnesota has developed a snowplow driver assist system that provides real-time visual and audio feedback to snowplow operators to ensure safe and efficient snow removal operations. The system uses high accuracy digital maps and a real-time kinematic (RTK) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver to provide lane guidance and a radar to detect forward obstacles. This system has been deployed in all 8 MnDOT districts as well as Dakota County. Operator feedback has been positive showing that the system is successful in providing useful support to drivers. This project focuses on the transition of this work from a research focus to a production focus seeking to prepare for a sustainable and scalable long-term, wide-scale deployment. Final Deliverables: Related Materials: Research Radar: Advancements in Winter Maintenance (Video/Webinar) Related Research: Implementation of Lane Boundary Guidance System for Snowplow Operations