Storm-Induced Slope Failure Susceptibility Mapping Status: CompleteReport Date: 02/09/2018 Summary: Researchers identified risk factors that inform slope failure and then collected topographic, soils and rainfall data to use in mapping areas for certain slope characteristics. Geographic information system (GIS) maps of two Minnesota counties were produced that rank the failure potential of each slope in each county. County road crews can use the maps to anticipate potential failure response needs at roadways alongside slopes. Highway agencies can use the maps to plan preventive action on slopes that appear susceptible to failure in significant storm events. Final Deliverables: Storm-Induced Slope Failure Susceptibility Mapping (Report #2018-05) County GIS Maps Help Road Departments Anticipate Slope Failure (Research Summary) Related Materials: Related Research: Slope Stabilization and Repair Solutions for Local Government Engineers MnDOT Slope Vulnerability Assessments - Phase 1 Slope Vulnerability Assessments - Phase 2