Develop Annual Arterial Congestion Report | 2015 | 2015-32
Automatic Generation of Traffic Timing Plan | 2014 | 2014-38
Improving Traffic Signal Operations for Integrated Corridor Management | 2013 | 2013-17
Research Implementation of the SMART-SIGNAL system on Trunk Highway (TH) 13 | 2013 | 2013-06
TRS: Integrated Corridor Management: A Review on the Theory and Practice | 2012 | TRS1210
Integrating Platoon-Priority Signal Control with Advance Warning Flashers | 2009 | 2009-23
Responding to the Unexpected: Development of a Dynamic Data-Drvien Model for effective Evacuation | 2009 | 2009-36
Real-Time Arterial Performance Monitoring Using Traffic Data from Existing Signal Systems | 2009 | 2009-01