Generating Traffic Information from Connected Vehicle V2V Basic Safety Messages | 2021 | 2021-08
| Levin |
TRS: Preventive Maintenance and Inspection for Traffic Signals, Roadway Lighting and Overhead Sign Structures | 2020 | TRS2004
| Linsenmayer |
Benefit-Cost Analysis for Intersection Decision Support | 2007 | 2007-32
| Levinson |
A Simulator-based Evaluation of Smart Infrastructure Concepts for Intersection Decision Support at Rural Thru-STOP Intersections | 2007 | 2007-31
| Ward |
Intersection Decision Support: An Overview | 2007 | 2007-33
| Shankwitz |
Intersection Decision Support Surveillance System: Design, Performance and Initial Driver Behavior Quantization | 2007 | 2007-30
| Cheng |
Statistical Modeling for Intersection Decision Support | 2006 | 2006-03
| Davis |
Development of a Tracking-based Monitoring and Data Collection System | 2005 | 2005-40
| Papanikolopoulos |
Implementation of Quality of Service (QoS) with Dynamic Resource Allocation | 2004 | 2004-34
| Cherkassky |
Real-Time Collison Warning and Avoidance at Intersections | 2004 | 2004-45
| Janardan |
Review of Minnesota's Rural Intersection Crashes: Methodology for Identifying Intersections for Intersection Decision Support (IDS) | 2004 | 2004-31
| Storm |