Expanding the Transportation Workforce: Roadway Maintenance WorkersStatus: CompleteReport Date: 08/19/2024 Summary: With a wave of retirements hitting the transportation industry, recruiting new people into transportation careers is a pressing challenge. LRRB and MnLTAP have developed a job website with resources for students, jobseekers and human resource professionals. There are job and internship postings, training resources, recruiting videos, and case studies of innovative programs undertaken by Minnesota cities and counties to attract and retain workers. Final Deliverables: Careers with Minnesota’s Public Transportation Agencies: Focus Group Summary Report (Report #2024-21FG) Minnesota Transportation Maintenance Careers (Website #2024-21) Related Materials: Staffing Up: Resources to Grow Your Roadway Maintenance Workforce (Blog Post) Expanding the Transportation Workforce: Tools for Local Agencies (Website) Minnesota Transportation Maintenance Careers (Website) Related Research: