The Value of ResearchStatus: CompleteReport Date: 12/04/2023 Summary: In FY2022, the MnDOT Office of Research & Innovation managed a total of 215 active and completed projects, of which 75 projects received partial or full funding from the Local Road Research Board (LRRB). Evaluating the benefits of this research and effectively communicating them to diverse audiences serves several important purposes. It helps both MnDOT and LRRB gain insights into the outcomes of their investments in research and innovation. Additionally, it promotes continued exploration and implementation of new knowledge and technology within the field of transportation and aids in prioritizing future research implementation projects. This project involved a comprehensive review of the existing tools and processes used by MnDOT and LRRB for research benefit evaluation and communication and proposed a versatile multi-stage framework that can be adapted for various project types. This framework not only allows for long-term tracking of benefits but can also be integrated into the current research cycle. Furthermore, it incorporates and builds upon existing tools, making it a valuable addition to the research and innovation process. Final Deliverables: Appendix A to Evaluating and Communicating the Value of Research (Spreadsheet #2023-39S) Evaluating and Communicating the Value of Research: Brochure and Task Checklists (Fact Sheet #2023-39B) Evaluating and Communicating the Value of Research (Report #2023-39) Evaluating and Communicating the Benefits of Transportation Research (Research Summary) Related Materials: 2024 Value of Research Pilot Implementation Materials (Website) Related Research: Development of a Process for Quantifying the Benefits of Research Best Practice Guide for Quantifying the Benefits of MnDOT Research