Cutting Edges – Performance User’s GuideStatus: ActiveProject Start Date: 10/24/2022Subscribe for Updates Summary: Winter maintenance equipment continues to evolve and improve. Currently, there are several options for cutting edges: Steel, Carbide, Rubber, Specialty, etc. Agencies are inundated with data and sales pitches. These decisions cross over to cutting edges for motor graters, as well. The focus of this study will be to assist local governments in understanding the cost benefit of different cutting edges. Additionally, it will include a survey of Minnesota cities and counties to determine what equipment they are using, performance data and any evaluation data. Deliverables for this implementation work will include a two-sided, quick summary with discussion of data collected, process, and findings summary. The reverse side of the page would include a matrix by type of cutting edges summarizing the data collected. Final Deliverables: Related Materials: Related Research: