Dynamic Estimation of Freeway Weaving Capacity for Traffic Management and Operations, Phase IIStatus: CompleteReport Date: 11/20/2003 Summary: An adaptive procedure is presented to estimate the time-variant capacity at consecutive weaving areas in real time. The proposed procedure uses the volume/occupancy data commonly available from single loop detectors and estimates the maximum total volume that can enter a given freeway weaving segment through time. The behavior at several weaving sites with consecutive weaving segments were analyzed, using loop and video data as well as visual observation. The online identification process with a Kalman Filter reduces estimation errors by continuously updating the parameters of the underlying models with the most recently measured data. The test results with real data show that the proposed procedure can estimate the upper limit values of the mainline flow approaching given weaving segments with reasonable accuracy. This procedure addresses the effects of entrance ramp flows, which can be controlled through ramp metering, on the maximum possible mainline volume approaching weave areas. The procedure may be directly applicable in improving ramp metering operations, and in the development of better design of freeway weaving segments. Final Deliverables: Dynamic Estimation of Freeway Weaving Capacity for Traffic Management and Operations, Phase II (Report #2003-32) Related Materials: Related Research: