Best Practices for Boulevard Turf Design MaintenanceStatus: CompleteReport Date: 10/03/2019 Summary: Investigators developed a set of informational tools addressing turfgrass design and maintenance for urban boulevards after construction projects. The guides are clear, easy to use and accessible to designers, contractors and residents. Investigators gathered current best practices from turfgrass science experts and practitioners to present up-to-date information and procedures that promote healthy, successful turfgrass installations in boulevards after urban road construction projects end. Tools include a written guidebook for designers and contractors; a two-page flyer that can be easily distributed in neighborhoods; and a short video directed toward residents, who will care for the boulevard turfgrass after the contractor has fulfilled the project requirements. Final Deliverables: Guidebook #2019RIC09 Other #2019RIC09H Research Summary Related Materials: Best Practices for Boulevard Turf Design and Maintenance - (Brochure/Handout) Growing Green Grass Along Your Street: How-To Maintain Residential Boulevard Turfgrass - (Video/Webinar) Related Research: