Seven Year Performance of City of Shoreview's Pervious Concrete Project

  • pervious pavement image
  • shoreview image
Status:  Complete
Report Date:  12/12/2017


Stormwater runoff from the Woodbridge neighborhood of Shoreview had previously been drained to Lake Owasso. City of Shoreview built the Woodbridge neighborhood's local roads using pervious concrete pavements in 2009. Pervious concrete pavements exhibit high hydraulic conductivity and sound absorption ability. To evaluate the functional performance of the City of Shoreview's pervious concrete pavements researchers from Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) measured sound absorption, hydraulic conductivity, and ride quality periodically. This report assesses the seven year performance of Shoreview's pervious concrete pavements using the above pavement performance metrics from data twice a year on average between 2009 and 2012. Sound absorption coefficient was found to be decreasing over time mainly due to clogging and traffic load impact. Ride quality was also observed to decrease through time as pavements clogging became increasingly observable over time. Clogging enhances freeze-thaw susceptibility that leads to various distresses. Traffic load impact also seemed to reduce the sound absorption and hydraulic conductivity of the pervious pavements. To improve the hydraulic conductivity of the pervious concrete pavements, frequent vacuuming with appropriate equipment method is recommended. This research calculated the stormwater infiltration benefits and compared life cycle cost of pervious and non-pervious alternative, concluding that pervious concrete may still be a better alternative than storm water structures in that location.

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