Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance Resource GuideStatus: CompleteReport Date: 11/01/2024 Summary: Managing stormwater runoff is important to prevent flooding and associated safety risks, property damage and threats to water quality in Minnesota’s streams and lakes. Stormwater best management practices are used to help improve water quality and meet federal Clean Water Act regulations, and must accommodate specific land use and management objectives. In response to over a decade of research and the evolution of stormwater management strategies, the Local Road Research Board (LRRB) developed a comprehensive update to the 2009 Stormwater Maintenance BMP Resource Guide. The revised Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance Resource Guide provides updated recommendations for traditional stormwater practices and presents new, innovative strategies to manage runoff. Investigators reviewed the stormwater literature and the Minnesota Stormwater Manual, a comprehensive living document managed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that covers numerous general stormwater concepts and issues. Other LRRB research projects that explored the differences in runoff between rural and urban roads, stormwater pond management and related issues also informed the revisions. Additionally, the new guide contains a chapter on how to best meet stormwater management objectives based on targeted pollutants. Final Deliverables: Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance Resource Guide (Guidebook #2024-09) Appendix A: Field Inspection Resources (Appendix #2024-09A) Revised Stormwater Maintenance Guide Updates Common Practices and Offers Innovative Options (Research Summary) Related Materials: Minnesota Stormwater Manual (MPCA) (Website) Update of Stormwater Management Best Practices Manual (Blog Post) Related Research: