Ultrathin Bonded Wearing Course Performance Update, Minnesota

Status:  Complete
Report Date:  12/31/2009


Ultra-thin bonded wearing course (UTBWC) is a method of extending pavement life for both hot mix asphalt (HMA) and Portland cement concrete (PCC) roads. For this reason the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) proposed and constructed test sections in the summer of 2004 and 2005 in the Twin Cities to demonstrate the effectiveness of this type of design. The focus of this report is about how a construction of UTWBC would improve ride quality of a pavement and if any distresses occurred after the construction. By obtaining data from Mn/DOT Pavement Management Office, UTBWC showed promise for future pavement maintenance design. After the construction of UTBWC, ride quality index (RQI) improved without any major distresses. Some of the minor distresses observed after construction were longitudinal and transverse joint distresses that were a reflective cracking from the bottom of the in-place concrete joints.

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