The Use of Alternative Cementitious Materials in Concrete PavementsStatus: ActiveProject Start Date: 05/03/2022Subscribe for Updates Summary: This contract will evaluate alternative cement and concrete products by constructing concrete pavement test sections at MnROAD and then monitoring their performance over at least a 3-year period through the collection of distress, faulting, and joint opening data; falling weight deflectometer (FWD) results; ride quality information; embedded strain sensor data; MIRA data; curling and warping measurements; and extracted cores. Using this and other available information (for example, life-cycle assessment [LCA] and environmental impact data), the following items are expected to be addressed to achieve the project objectives over the contracting period: 1. Determination of the characteristics to be considered when selecting alternative cementitious materials. 2. Identification of the factors to be considered when designing mixtures containing these materials. 3. Development of guidelines for successfully producing and placing these materials in the field. 4. Identification of the testing to be performed during paving and acceptance after hardening. 5. Quantification of the impact of alternative cementitious concrete materials on structural pavement performance and durability The results of this project will shed light on the factors impacting the production and placement of geopolymer concrete, the feasibility of using it on large-scale pavement construction projects, and the environmental impacts associated with the use of geopolymer concrete. The findings from the research would provide state highway agencies (SHAs) information to consider in the implementation of geopolymer concrete for pavement construction, perhaps ultimately leading to its adoption as a routine paving alternative. A set of draft material and construction specifications will be developed as a means of promoting the use and adoption of these materials by SHAs. Final Deliverables: Related Materials: Related Research: