Development and Regionalization of in Situ Bioslopes and Bioswales

  • Two bioslopes lead to a bioswale. Stormwater follows the bioswale and is filtered through a stone outlet into a detention pond.
  • This cross section of a common engineered bioslope shows the position of a vegetation filter strip, a section of biofiltration material and an underdrain pipe beneath it. The blue arrows indicate the flow of water.
Status:  Complete
Report Date:  08/28/2019


This project is a multi-disciplinary investigation into the use of alternative media for biofiltration systems in Minnesota. Over the last thirty years, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has implemented biofilters along roadways as a stormwater control measure. These systems must be able to infiltrate and treat the first inch of rainfall onsite to meet state and national regulations. The performance of a biofilter is largely based on its mediass ability to infiltrate water, sustain vegetation, and capture pollutants. To date, MnDOT has relied on sand and compost mixtures for biofilter media components. An early phase of this work identified peat as having similar performance characteristics as compost, making it an ideal alternative. A laboratory testing program was also developed during the early phase of work to determine media properties that could be used to predict biofilter performance. This project focused on characterizing existing biofilters using in situ testing and comparing results to laboratory testing. The comparison of the two methods demonstrated the predictive capabilities of the laboratory regime. This project also included the instrumentation and monitoring of field sites including a newly constructed peat amended biofilter. Findings from this work determined the validity of using peat for future biofilters and can aid in identifying and characterizing other alternative media.

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