Blind Deconvolution of Vehicle Inductance Signatures for Travel-Time EstimationStatus: CompleteReport Date: 02/23/2006 Summary: Travel-time data provides vital information for traffic monitoring, management, and planning. The objective of this research was to develop a new computational approach to accurately measure travel time from two sets of spatially separated loop detectors using re-identification of vehicle inductance signatures generated by the loops. In order to restore lost details from the raw inductance waveforms, the author modeled the output of the loop detectors as a convolution of the original vehicle signature and the loop system function. To solve this blind problem, two basic blind deconvolution approaches were used. The first estimates the loop system function using a speed estimate obtained from the inductance waveform. The second approach is an adaptive iterative method referred to as the Godard blind deconvolution. Experimental results showed that both methods performed well and significantly exposed the original signature information with unique vehicle characteristics. Final Deliverables: Blind Deconvolution of Vehicle Inductance Signatures for Travel-Time Estimation (Report #2006-06) Related Materials: Related Research: