Transitioning to EV Fleets: Best Practices and a Decision ToolStatus: ActiveProject Start Date: 05/17/2024Subscribe for Updates Summary: New regulatory targets in the U.S. now aim for an electric vehicle (EV) share of at least 50% by 2030. Several vehicle manufacturers have plans for terminating the production of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles by a target date. While many organizations are eager to transition to EV fleets, the pathway is far from straightforward with real-world challenges adding layers of complexity to this transition. This study will address this issue in four components. 1)Best practice synthesis 2)Fleet conversion data collection 3)Decision tree and calculator tool, and 4)recommendations and training document. Final Deliverables: Related Materials: New Project: Transitioning to EV Fleets: Best Practices and a Decision Tool - (Blog Post) Related Research: