Clear Roads: Use Of Equipment Lighting During Snowplow OperationsStatus: CompleteReport Date: 10/10/2015 Summary: The Western Transportation Institute (WTI) conducted research on behalf of the clear roads research program and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to develop a summary of best practices in the use of headlights, work lights, and warning light technology in snow plow operations. Specifically, this research focuses on different types of light bulbs, the color of the light, intensity of the light, mounting locations, flashing patterns and amperage requirements. In addition, this research gathers information about the mechanism to prevent snow blowing over the plow onto the windshield, mechanism to keep light clear of snow, retro-reflective markings, and day versus night settings for vehicle lights. To accomplish this, a literature review captured information from previous studies and currently available equipment and techniques used for equipment lighting during snow plow operations. Agency and operator surveys were used to capture information from winter maintenance practitioners on the current state-of-the-practice, best practices, and lesson learned. The information captured from the literature search and surveys were used to develop the best practice. Final Deliverables: Report #CR14-06 Research Summary Related Materials: Clear Roads - Use of Equipment Lighting During Snowplow Operations - (Video/Webinar) Use of Equipment Lighting During Snowplow Operations: Synthesis of Information - (TRS) Related Research: