Intelligent Compaction and In-Situ Testing at Mn/DOT TH53Status: CompleteReport Date: 05/02/2006 Summary: This report describes an intelligent compaction demonstration project on Mn/DOT TH 53 in Duluth, MN, and the associated field and laboratory testing. The project was conducted during September 2005, using a Caterpillar Model CS-563E vibratory soil compactor, equipped with Intelligent Compaction (both Compaction Meter Value (CMV) and energy or power) and global positioning system (GPS) technology. A Prima light-weight deflectometer (LWD), dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and Humboldt GeoGauge were used to collect in situ companion test data at 42 locations. Mn/DOT conducted gradation, moisture content and Procter tests. Location and Compaction Meter Value (CMV) were downloaded for comparison with the in situ testing. CMV data was compared to the in situ data on a point-by-point basis and on the basis of the overall distribution. In general, poor correlations were obtained on a point-by-point basis, likely due to the depth and stress dependency of soil modulus, and the heterogeneity of the soils. Good correlations were obtained between CMV values and DCP measurements for depths between 8-inches and 16-inches deep. The Caterpillar Compaction Viewer software, although still in development at the time of testing, is functional and is well integrated with GPS. It is easy to extract data and do more sophisticated analyses. Surface-covering documentation adds value by identifying potential problem areas where compaction is limited by material, moisture or subgrade deficiencies. LWD testing protocol must be followed to obtain useful results, since measurements vary significantly between successive tests. Relatively good correlations were obtained between LWD and GeoGauge. The GPS technology used for the demonstration is not adequate to distinguish between lifts. Final Deliverables: Intelligent Compaction and In-Situ Testing at Mn/DOT TH53 (Report #2006-13) Related Materials: Related Research: