Pedestrian Safety and Accessibility Best Practices for Channelized Right Turn LanesStatus: ActiveProject Start Date: 07/12/2023Subscribe for Updates Summary: Highway agencies throughout the United States often utilize channelized right-turn lanes to improve the operational performance of intersections across a variety of design settings. However, the impact of channelized right-turn lanes on safety performance is less clear. This proposed research intends to synthesize best practices in channelized right-turn lane design for pedestrians, including a specific focus on identifying both proven or emerging strategies to mitigate potential concerns for persons with vision impairments or other disabilities. This will be completed by aggregating the findings of a comprehensive literature review, a national survey of state and local highway agencies, as well as interviews with stakeholder groups. Guidance and recommendations will be provided regarding the preferred designs for right-turn channelization in order to meet the needs of all road users. Final Deliverables: Related Materials: Related Research: