Protocols and Technologies for Monitoring Non-Motorized TrafficStatus: CompleteReport Date: 10/10/2013 Summary: Measuring bicycle and pedestrian traffic is in its infancy, and a current lack of data makes it difficult to know the effectiveness of investments and active transportation-related safety and health initiatives. This project developed guidelines and protocols for manual field counts, held pilot field counts and analyzed automated count technologies to determine how they can be used together to give a more complete picture of bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Final Deliverables: Report #2013-24 Research Summary Related Materials: CTS Research Makes an Impact: Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Initiative - (Video/Webinar) Minnesota Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Initiative Highlighted in New FHWA Case Study - (Blog Post) BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN COUNTING INITIATIVE MONITORS NONMOTORIZED TRAFFIC IN MINNESOTA - (Blog Post) Minnesota: Where Every Step Counts - (Video/Webinar) Related Research: