Reducing Embodied Carbon with Mineral-Blended Polymeric Microspheres

Status:  Active
Project Start Date:  12/27/2023


This project will evaluate the performance of a mineral-blended polymeric microsphere powder used to construct concrete pavement test sections at MnRoad. The microsphere concrete mixtures will be compared with a reference mixture that contains conventional air entrainment and existing mixtures evaluated at MnRoad. Performance will be monitored over a 3-year period. The three-fold objectives for evaluating the microsphere mixtures are as follows: 1) Determine the reductions in cement content that can be achieved with typical pavement concrete mixtures in which air-entraining agents are replaced with the microsphere-powder blend. 2) Develop test data on strength and freeze-thaw durability for selected concrete mixtures to support application of the microsphere concrete mixtures in pavement construction. 3) Quantify the sustainability benefits of use of microsphere concrete in lieu of conventional air-entrained concrete mixtures.

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