The ABC Parking Ramps in MinneapolisStatus: CompleteReport Date: 03/25/2019 Summary: How can MnDOT's ABC parking ramps best achieve their mission of managing SOV use and travel demand on I-394 and through downtown Minneapolis, now and in the future? Any changes must be consistent with governing legislation and regulations that define what can be done and how the ramps must operate. Given these uncertainties, the Minnesota Department of Transportation sponsored an 18-month project to study the situation and plan the next quarter century of the ABC Parking Ramps. Components of the project were split among University of Minnesota researchers and several transportation consulting firms. The team examined how the ramps functioned in the past, detailed how they work today, and forecasted how they might operate in the future. This research resulted in 10 task reports that sought to answer two main questions: - How can the ramps better meet the purpose of reducing congestion and promoting non-SOV transportation, particularly during peak periods? - What new programs and innovations can be put in place to reduce SOV usage? Final Deliverables: The ABC Parking Ramps in Minneapolis: A Unique Past, A Visionary Future (Report #2019-13) Related Materials: Related Research: