Evaluation of Bio-Fog Sealants for Pavement PreservationStatus: CompleteReport Date: 06/29/2016 Summary: Biosealants are a new class of pavement preservation products that manufacturers claim will perform well at a lower cost and with reduced environmental impact than traditional asphalt-based sealants. This project conducted tests of the effectiveness of two biosealants and two traditional sealants. Results were inconclusive, however: The sealants had mild impacts on laboratory-prepared samples, but were undetectable on samples collected from the field. This project was a small-scale, preliminary study, so no definitive conclusions can be drawn. Final Deliverables: Evaluation of Bio-Fog Sealants for Pavement Preservation (Report #2016-20) Preliminary Tests Raise Questions About Biosealant Effectiveness (Research Summary) Related Materials: Related Research: