TRS: Anti-icing in Winter Maintenance Operations: Examination of Research and Survey of State PracticeStatus: CompleteReport Date: 05/15/2009 Summary: MnDOT is developing an anti-icing guide that will be incorporated into the department's existing winter training program. The guide will be used by front-line supervisors and managers to better manage their winter operations and by operators to assist them in effectively performing their snow and ice control duties. To prepare for development of the anti-icing guide, MnDOT asked us to review relevant research to identify existing anti-icing practices, field strategies and procedures, and application rates. We also reviewed 12 transportation agencies¿ anti-icing guidelines and procedures to identify current patterns of practice. Final Deliverables: TRS: Anti-icing in Winter Maintenance Operations: Examination of Research and Survey of State Practice (Synthesis #TRS0902) Related Materials: Related Research: