Pedestrian Safety Around Roundabouts

Status:  Active
Project Start Date:  04/03/2023


The LRRB and RIC have identified the need to evaluate the safety of pedestrian at roundabouts. This implementation project will address the following questions: • Should a channelized right turn or RRFB be constructed before a roundabout? • What additional education/awareness/enforcement of pedestrian safety at roundabouts and the use of RRFBs is necessary? • Working in partnership with law enforcement, review, and update education awareness, as well as enforcement policies. • Review crash data for trends or safety issues at roundabouts. Does the crash data give insight of design features that pose safety issues for pedestrians? • How to better accommodate the visually impaired? • What lighting practices are best? The objective of this project is to create a toolkit of all the design elements that can be implemented to address safety at roundabouts and create an outreach document that can educate drivers and pedestrians.

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