Use of Warranties in Highway ConstructionStatus: CompleteReport Date: 11/22/2004 Summary: This report evaluates the current state of the practice for public agencies using warranties in roadway construction. The focus is on city and county agencies, and information is provided to assist them in evaluating the considerations and elements of a warranty program. Information is also provided about the current state of the practice in Minnesota and other states. This report is an update to the earlier LRRB RIC Report 1999-37. Since its publication, Mn/DOT has incorporated two- and five-year warranties into their bituminous pavement specifications and has also initiated several design-build projects. In response to that, and due to the increasing interest in the use of warranties and performance specifications on local projects, the 1999 report was updated with additional guidance given for the implementation of a warranty program at the local level. In addition, this report summarizes NCHRP Report 451, titled Guidelines for Warranty, Multi-Parameter, and Best Value Contracting, which outlines recommendations for agencies interested in implementing a warranty. Final Deliverables: Use of Warranties in Highway Construction (Report #2004-40) Related Materials: Related Research: