TRS: Cadastral and Right of Way Data SharingStatus: CompleteReport Date: 05/14/2010 Summary: Local government agencies create, collect, compile, and store data that also have value to other state agencies, such as the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). In turn, MnDOT also is a keeper of information that has value to local government agencies. Local government and state agencies create and maintain their cadastral and right of way data in varying ways and with different systems, and those differences pose one barrier to the sharing of that information. A 2002 initiative to develop a statewide parcel map inventory helped set the stage for several projects to improve data sharing of right of way and cadastral information between MnDOT and local government agencies. Recognizing the benefits of easy access to existing data among agencies, MnDOT began exploring potential solutions for sharing cadastral data between MnDOT and local government agencies. MnDOT relies on maps, deeds, and other right of way records from local government agencies when planning right of way options and acquisition needs. To investigate the potential, MnDOT sponsored a 2004 research project, Enhanced Coordination of Cadastral Data. The research evaluated the potential for sharing of cadastral data and outlined considerations for moving forward. In 2006, MnDOT launched an implementation pilot project in MnDOT Districts 3 and 4, which involved collaborations with local government agencies, technology development, launch of a web-based portal, and training and communication to support use. It also helped demonstrate the possibility for data sharing among state and local government agencies on a broader scale. This TRS highlights the benefits of improving access to data sharing, describes the implementation and research projects, provides an update on the status of implementation, and outlines next steps. Final Deliverables: TRS: Cadastral and Right of Way Data Sharing (Synthesis #TRS1006) Related Materials: Related Research: