Continuous Compaction Control DemonstrationStatus: CompleteReport Date: 03/07/2005 Summary: In September 2004, engineers conducted a Continuous Compaction Control (CCC) demonstration at MnRoad, an outdoor pavement test facility. Continuous Compaction Control (CCC), also called Intelligent Compaction (IC), is a new technique in the United States construction market that uses an instrumented compactor to measure soil or asphalt compaction in real time and adjusts compactive effort accordingly to control the level of compaction. This demonstration used the BOMAG Compactor and focused on Young's soil modulus as the soil parameter of interest. CCC may potentially provide substantial benefits, including improved quality due to more uniform compaction, reduced compaction costs because effort is applied only where necessary, reduced life-cycle cost due to longer pavement life, and a stronger relationship between design and construction. State departments of transportation have expressed interest in exploring this method as a way of meeting quality-assurance requirements within a tight budget environment. In general, this study found CCC to be an effective quality-control mechanism for soil compaction. However, further questions arose as a result of the study and certain variables affected the results and measurements, including moisture content and the use of different measurement tools. Further research is needed to determine the level of uniformity in using CCC and the extent of reliability in achieving target values when using this method. Final Deliverables: Continuous Compaction Control Demonstration (Report #2005-07) Related Materials: Related Research: