Development of Pavement Condition Forecasting for Web-based Asset Management for County GovernmentsStatus: CompleteReport Date: 03/11/2020 Summary: This application was developed to expand a low-cost asset inventory program called Geographic Roadway Inventory Tool (GRIT) to include roadway forecasting based on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 93 model with inventory, pavement condition, and traffic forecasting data. Existing input data from GRIT such as pavement thickness, roadway structural information, and construction planning information will be spatially combined with current MnDOT Pathway pavement condition and traffic data to automatically forecast the future condition and age of roadways using the AASHTO 93 model. This forecasting model will allow roadway managers to use this information with comprehensive geographic information system (GIS) web maps to prioritize roadways in their construction schedules or multi-year plans. Final Deliverables: Development of Pavement Condition Forecasting for Web-Based Asset Management for County Governments (Report #2020-04) Putting Research Into Practice: Forecasting Software Eases Local Road Planning (Research Summary) Related Materials: Related Research: Asset Management Tools for Local Governments