Guardrail Replacement and Maintenance GuidelinesStatus: CompleteReport Date: 04/05/2010 Summary: Guardrail maintenance is a key component of protecting the roadside, but there is uncertainty as to how to maintain the various guardrails and end treatments that are currently in use. Local jurisdictions continue to perform guardrail maintenance but there are no current guidelines to ensure that maintenance practices are to standard and are consistent throughout the state. These guidelines summarize current issues, the accepted approved guardrail types and end treatments used in Minnesota, inspection and maintenance practices for guardrails and resources and standards on guardrails and end treatments. Appendices A and B provide quick reference sheets to highlight the guardrails and end treatments currently used in Minnesota and the suggested use of each type. Final Deliverables: Guardrail Replacement and Maintenance Guidelines (Guidebook #2010RIC13) Putting Research into Practice: Maintaining Guardrails for Roadside Safety (Research Summary) Related Materials: Related Research: