Evaluation of Work Zone Safety Using the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data

Status:  Complete
Report Date:  07/14/2022


This toolbox is one of the deliverables for the culmination of several phases of a project, which evaluated driver behavior in work zones using the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS) data. The toolbox summarizes information about work zone traffic control devices, countermeasures, and work zone features that have a demonstrated impact on speed in work zones. Features were identified through a survey of the literature. Additional information for some of the features and countermeasures was gained through the various analyses of SHRP2 data conducted through this project. Guidance from the work zone traffic control manuals for various states was summarized when appropriate. Recommendations for use of each feature or countermeasure relevant to addressing speed in work zones was developed by the team and reviewed by work zone experts and the project panel.

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