TRS: Impact of Vibratory Equipment to Surrounding Environments During Construction

Status:  Complete
Report Date:  07/16/2012


Minimizing vibration induced impact or damage to people and structures adjacent to construction is a major challenge faced by DOTs. Various offices within MnDOT have experienced complaints, claims and concerns resulting from construction using vibration equipment. MnDOT is interested in the conflict resolution process surrounding the impact of vibratory equipment, including impact or damage to property, best practices for public engagement during large projects, educating the public about the potential for damage during construction, and construction in areas susceptible to damage. A survey of MnDOT personnel, a survey of state DOTs, and a literature search were performed, focusing on MnDOT current practices, and other state DOT practices that address the conflict resolution process for vibration-producing activities such as compaction, pile driving, blasting or pavement breaking. (Appendix is available upon request.)

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