Clear Roads: Alternative Methods for De-icingStatus: CompleteReport Date: 06/01/2020 Summary: The goal of this project was to aid winter maintenance managers in better understanding the performance and impacts of alternative methods for deicing, which may be non-chloride based deicers, blends of deicing products, or methods that reduce the number of applications or application rates of deicers. To achieve this, a literature review, survey, and follow-up interviews were used to develop case studies and recommendations on automatic vehicle location (AVL), blended liquid deicing products, direct liquid application (DLA), pre-wet, slurry, mechanical snow removal methods (ice breakers, squeegee plow blades, brooms, sweepers, segmented plow blades), methods to reduce chloride use, route optimization, salt alternatives, and using data to make informed decisions (severity indices (WSI, SSI, SWI), MDSS, and dashboards). Recommendations for implementation and successful use of each case study topic are provided, followed by recommendations on how to do a lot with a little, or how to identify and implement easy and low-cost improvements. This is followed by a section on making larger investments to find improvements. These sections provide examples, identify pros and cons, and review the challenges of going from being good at something to great. Key steps for implementation are identified, and training resources are provided. Research needs and gaps are identified related to alternative methods for deicing. Final Deliverables: Clear Roads: Alternative Methods for Deicing (Report #CR18-05) Research Brief: Innovative Methods and Technologies Help Fight Snow and Ice (Research Summary) Related Materials: Clear Roads Project Page: Alternative Methods for Deicing (Website) Related Research: