TRS: Managing Ancillary Pavements: A Survey of Practice and Related ResourcesStatus: CompleteReport Date: 12/31/2015 Summary: Practices for managing the ancillary pavements that are not part of the main roadway, such as shoulders, ramps, turn lanes and frontage roads, do not appear to be as widely documented as the practices for managing mainline pavements and bridges. MnDOT is interested in learning how other transportation agencies inventory and track the condition of ancillary pavements, what measures and targets they use to track agency performance in managing these assets, and how these pavements are addressed in programming and investment decisions. A literature search conducted for this Transportation Research Synthesis netted relatively little documentary evidence of transportation agency practices to manage ancillary pavements, while a survey of transportation agencies provided significant detail about agency practices for managing these pavement classes. Final Deliverables: TRS: Managing Ancillary Pavements: A Survey of Practice and Related Resources (Synthesis #TRS1507) Related Materials: Related Research: