Sample-Based Estimation of Bicycle Miles of Travel (BMT)Status: CompleteReport Date: 11/02/2001 Summary: This project provides a statistically defensible estimate of bicycle-miles of travel (BMT) for at a least substantial portion of the Twin Cities region and assesses the feasibility of monitoring bicycle volumes using sampling methods similar to those used to monitor motor vehicle traffic. Researchers used an ArcView database of the Twin Cities street system for the initial sampling frame and extended the database by manually adding information about average annual daily traffic volumes and about on- and off-road bicycle facilities. A stratified random sample of roadways links in Hennepin, Ramsey, and Dakota counties was drawn, and during the months of May through June and August through October 1998, the daytime bicycle volume for one day at each sampled site was obtained using time-lapse video. Researchers then used Cochrane's combined estimator to compute an estimate of average daytime BMT for the study area. Final Deliverables: Sample-Based Estimation of Bicycle Miles of Travel (BMT) (Report #2001-23) Related Materials: Related Research: