Modernizing Road Construction Plans and DocumentationStatus: CompleteReport Date: 09/14/2016 Summary: Investigators conducted telephone interviews with engineers from Hennepin, Chisago and Rochester counties, and from MnDOT and Minneapolis-based SRF Consulting. Investigators also reviewed case studies from Norway and the Netherlands, and visited several state departments of transportation as part of National Cooperative Highway Research Program Domestic Scan Project 13-02. In November 2015, investigators held a brainstorming session with “superusers,” including local engineers, designers, construction managers and inspectors who already were using CIM technologies. This group identified 3-D modeling, EDM and legal issues as priorities for further investigation. They also conducted a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis of 3-D modeling and EDM. Using the information gathered, investigators developed guidelines to help local agencies incorporate 3-D modeling and EDM into their design, bidding and construction processes. Final Deliverables: Modernizing Road Construction Plans and Documentation (Report #2016-29) Moving Local Road Design and Construction into the Digital World: Benefits and Challenges (Research Summary) Related Materials: Related Research: Implementing CIM in Preliminary Design of Infrastructure Life-Cycle Civil Integrated Management (CIM)