Concrete Bridge Deck Crack Sealant Evaluation and ImplementationStatus: CompleteReport Date: 09/11/2014 Summary: A total of 12 sealant products were applied on the Smith Avenue High Bridge in St. Paul and evaluated over a three-year period. Details, such as surface preparation and application methods, were documented for each product and are conditions specific to each product. Based on numerous factors, four epoxy and three methacrylate products were recommended for consideration on MnDOT's Approved Products List. Each product recommendation contains the surface preparation and application method conditions under which they were applied. It is also recommended that MnDOT look into increasing the frequency of its routine crack sealing maintenance program from the current five-year cycle. Final Deliverables: Report #2014-34 Research Summary Related Materials: High Bridge study yields insights on bridge deck maintenance - (Blog Post) Related Research: