Michael Marti

Completed Projects
TitleYearReport #
Synthesis of Seal Coat Research in Minnesota20242024RIC06
Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity20242024RIC05
Mini-Roundabout FAQs20242024RIC03
Best Practices for Dust Control in Minnesota20242024RIC07
Advancing Asphalt Pavement: Strategies for Enhancing Ride Quality and Mitigating Reflective Cracking20232023RIC10
Remote Sensing in Unsheltered Encampments20232022-12
TRS - Bridge Drainage Systems and Discharge to Waterways2023TRS2304
Pavement Marking Decision Tree – Project Level20232023RIC04
Evaluation of SFDR Stabilizing Products20232022-06
Asphalt and Crack Treatment FAQs and Technical Resources20232023RIC05
Culvert Type Evaluation: Concrete vs Plastic vs Corrugated Metal20232023RIC06
Autonomous Vehicles: What Should Local Agencies Expect?20222022RIC02
Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) for Urban and Suburban Street Application20212021RIC02
TRS: Remote Sensing in Maintenance Work2021TRS2005
Mitigating Seasonal Movement at Culverts and Utilities20212021RIC01
System Preservation Resource Guide20212021RIC03
TRS: Life Cycle Cost of Local Roads2020TRS2002
Bicycle Facility Implementation - Quick Reference Guide20202020RIC03
Pavement Preservation Techniques for Local Agencies20202020RIC02
Asset Management Guide for Local Agencies20202019RIC06
Best Practices for Boulevard Turf Design Maintenance20192019RIC09
Best Practices: Corridor Management/Maintenance of Paved Recreational Trails20192019RIC10
Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Unified Permitting Process Phase I20172017-26
Snow and Ice Control Guidebook20162016RIC11
Flashing Yellow Arrow Tool for Time-of-Day Use20162016RIC13
Traffic Data Collection Processes Study and Traffic Data Collection Improvements20142014RIC51A
Sign Retroreflectivity - A Minnesota Toolkit - Updated20142014RIC22
Guardrail Replacement and Maintenance Guidelines20102010RIC13
Sign Retroreflectivity - A Minnesota Toolkit20102010RIC02
Implementation of Pavement Management in Minnesota20092009RIC11
Project Management Software: Practical Applications for Improved Project Management20052005-12
Partners for Good: A Resource Guide for Partnership Efforts in Minnesota Cities and Counties20052005-11
Toolkit for a Career in Civil Engineering20042004-18
Snow and Ice Control on Gravel Roads20032003-39
Effective Methods to Repair Frost Damaged Roadways2003RIS 27
Synthesis On The Effectiveness of Rumble Strips20022002-07
Utility Relocation: A Communication and Coordination Process for Local Governments20022002-33
Synthesis of Asphalt Recycling in Minnesota20022002-32