TRS: Developing Transportation System Climate Resilience Performance Measures | 2022 | TRS2202
TRS: Preventive Maintenance and Inspection for Traffic Signals, Roadway Lighting and Overhead Sign Structures | 2020 | TRS2004
TRS: Notifying the Public of Local Road Closures via Common Smartphone Map Apps | 2020 | TRS2001
TRS: Managing Unspent Federal Metropolitan Planning Funds | 2017 | TRS1701
TRS: Benefits and Costs of Increasing Truck Load Limits: A Literature Review | 2015 | TRS1503
TRS: State Highway System Classification and Investment: A Survey of State Practice | 2012 | TRS1211
TRS: Traffic Forecasting on Trunk Highways in Nonmetropolitan Areas: A Survey of State Practice | 2012 | TRS1206
TRS: Collecting and Managing Traffic Data on Local Roads | 2012 | TRS1207
TRS: Far-Field Testing of Noise Wall Effectiveness: Survey of State Practice and Literature Scan | 2012 | TRS1202
TRS: Methods for Setting Posted Speed Limits | 2012 | TRS1204
TRS: Use of Social Media by Minnesota Cities and Counties | 2011 | TRS1104
TRS: Effects of Major Traffic Generators on Local Highway Systems | 2010 | TRS1001
TRS: Potential Benefits to the Freight Industry of Distance-Based Road User Fees | 2010 | TRS1008
TRS: ADA Compliance Reference and Training Materials | 2010 | TRS1004
TRS: Decision Tree for Unpaving Roads | 2010 | TRS1007
TRS: Effectiveness of Traffic Signs on Local Roads | 2010 | TRS1002
TRS: Developing a Culture of Innovation | 2010 | TRS1003
TRS: State DOT Experiences with Primavera P6 Project Management Software | 2010 | TRS1005
TRS: Anti-icing in Winter Maintenance Operations: Examination of Research and Survey of State Practice | 2009 | TRS0902